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Ross Buehler Falk & Company is committed to providing innovative and cost effective solutions to meet each client's unique personal and business goals. We build long-lasting client relationships through personal attention, integrity, and a dedicated pro-active team of professionals.



Business Success Stories – The Explosive Growth of Zoom

Video conferencing in and of itself is certainly nothing new. It’s been around in some form or another for decades — businesses used it for remote meetings in the 1990s, and personal users have been “Skyping” with friends and family members since high-speed Internet connections found their way into just about every home. But at… View Article

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The Art of Running a Successful Family Business: Breaking Things Down

At its core, a family business is exactly what it sounds like: a company or other enterprise owned, operated, and actively managed by at least two people from the same family. This can be a parent and their kids, two siblings, or some other configuration — it doesn’t actually matter, as the management is made… View Article

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Higher Income Individuals Beware

The House Ways and Means Committee has released an extensive list of proposed tax changes that impact individual, retirement, international and corporate tax law. We have been selective and have only included a portion of the proposed changes. A full list of proposed changes is available from the PDF file titled Responsibility Funding Our Priorities…. View Article

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Here’s What Happened in the World of Small Business in August 2021

Here are five things that happened this past month that affect your small business. 1) The Senate passed a $1.2T infrastructure package. At the beginning of August, the Senate passed a bipartisan infrastructure package, “the largest upgrade to the country’s roads, bridges, pipes, ports and broadband in decades.” There are a few steps left before… View Article

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Customers Paying Late? How to Create Statements

After the year-plus you’ve just experienced, the last thing your small business needs is customers who are behind on their payments to you. You may have been giving them a break because you know that they’re struggling, too, but things have been looking up for many companies in the past few months. It’s time for… View Article

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Entrepreneur Success Story: How Canva Reached a $15 Billion Evaluation and Made Its Young Founders Billionaires

Human beings are visual learners – they always have been, and they always will be. A big part of this has to do with the way that the human brain works. According to one recent study, when people hear information, they generally only remember about 10% of what they’re exposed to. If that information is… View Article

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8 Keys to Creating an Effective Employee Handbook

Most companies have policies or procedures governing their employment practices, but they’re sometimes maintained informally. This can lead to inconsistent application and confusion about employer and employee rights and responsibilities. An employee handbook formalizes those policies so that employees have a written resource to read and reference. Here are some key steps to consider as… View Article

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The Many Benefits of 401(k) Profit-Sharing Plans

If you are an employer looking for an attractive employee benefit that lets you plan contributions around your revenues, consider a 401(K) profit-sharing plan. These plans allow you to make pre-tax deposits to your employees’ eligible retirement accounts after the end of each calendar year, providing the flexibility to determine exactly how much you want… View Article

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Exit Strategy: How to Create One for Your Small Business

Owning your own small business is a dream that few are fortunate enough to realize, but even those new to the joys of entrepreneurial self-determination need to spend time thinking about how you’re going to eventually leave the business. No matter how far off it may seem, the best way to ensure that your time… View Article

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5 Tips for Going Back to the Office

Slowly, our world is changing. A percentage of the population has been vaccinated and many employees are headed back to the office. For many, this causes anxiety – and understandably so. Here are few ways to help take the edge off of returning to the workplace. Wake up Earlier  For some of you, working from… View Article

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