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Ross Buehler Falk & Company is committed to providing innovative and cost effective solutions to meet each client's unique personal and business goals. We build long-lasting client relationships through personal attention, integrity, and a dedicated pro-active team of professionals.



It’s Not Too Late to Claim the Employee Retention Credit for 2020 and 2021

Established by the CARES Act, the employee retention credit (ERC) was designed to incentivize employers to maintain their staff in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Originally, recipients of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans were barred from claiming the ERC; however, in December of 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act made the ERC available to PPP… View Article

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Top Side Hustles

In our current economy, or anytime actually, it can’t hurt to have a side hustle to bring in extra cash. Some of these options can be quite lucrative, but like everything, it takes a little work to create a steady income stream. However, with a little pre-planning, you can do it. Let’s take a look…. View Article

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Risk of Browser Extensions and How to Stay Safe

Web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge play an essential role in enabling access to websites on the internet. Most browsers allow users to install extensions, also referred to as add-ons or plug-ins. These extensions are applications or small software modules that add functionality and other useful features to a browser. Utilizing… View Article

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Life Changing Events Can Impact Your Taxes

Throughout your life there will be certain significant occasions that will impact not only your day-to-day living but also your taxes. Here are a few of those events: Getting Married – If you just got married or are considering getting married, you need to be aware that once you are married you no longer file… View Article

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What an Economic Slowdown Means for Your Small Business

If you pay attention to the financial news, you’ve likely heard that we may — or may not — be in the midst of a recession. While experts argue over whether or not two consecutive periods of falling gross domestic period necessarily confirm an overall decline in economic activity, small business owners have more pressing… View Article

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How Social Security Benefits Are Affected by Earned Income

Thanks to the Great Resignation trend over the past year, there is a high availability of jobs. Therefore, now is a good time for retirees who would like to go back to work to ease into the job market. However, if you’ve already begun drawing Social Security benefits, you should understand how earning income will… View Article

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4 Common Depreciation Methods and Their Uses

Depreciation is the accounting concept that evaluates an asset’s useful life. As the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) explains, depreciable property – which could include equipment, structures, means of transportation, fixtures, etc. – is examined to see how many years the purchase price can be averaged and “deducted from taxable income.” This is in contrast to… View Article

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How to Drive and Get the Best Fuel Efficiency

We’re all feeling the pain at the pump. Unless you decide to walk, bike, or take public transportation, you might feel stuck. But all is not lost. Here are some fuel-efficient driving techniques that can help you save hundreds of dollars in fuel each year. Don’t Drive Too Fast Of course, when you’re on the… View Article

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How Will the Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Tightening Impact Markets?

Starting June 1, the Fed began reducing its balance sheet holdings of U.S. Treasuries by $30 billion a month for three months. Thereafter, it will double its reduction of U.S. Treasuries by $60 billion per month beginning in the fourth month. For its mortgage-backed securities, the first three months will see $17.5 billion roll off… View Article

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How Businesses Can Mitigate Inflation & Maintain Pricing Power

Whether it’s tariffs, trade wars, or post-pandemic inflation caused by kink-ridden supply chains and what many experts believe to be excess money printing, inflation is an insidious drag on businesses’ operations. When it comes to energy’s contribution to inflation, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that crude and natural gas prices in 2022 have… View Article

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