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Ross Buehler Falk & Company is committed to providing innovative and cost effective solutions to meet each client's unique personal and business goals. We build long-lasting client relationships through personal attention, integrity, and a dedicated pro-active team of professionals.



How an Accounting Pro Can Help You Create and Stick to a Budget

Maintaining a clear and effective budget is crucial for success. Yet, many businesses are overwhelmed by day-to-day operations, often making financial decisions without a solid forecast. This can lead to unexpected financial troubles and missed growth opportunities. As accounting professionals, we understand the challenges you face. We are here to offer insights on how a… View Article

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Gift and Estate Tax Primer

The tax code places limits on the amounts that individuals can gift to others (as money or property) without paying taxes. This is meant to keep an individual from using gifts to avoid the estate tax that is imposed upon the assets owned by the individual at their death. This can be a significant issue… View Article

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Maximizing Benefits and Navigating Pitfalls: Understanding the Tax Implications of Inheriting or Receiving a Home as a Gift

A frequent question, and a situation where taxpayers often make tax mistakes, is whether it is better to receive a home as a gift or as an inheritance. It is generally more advantageous tax-wise to inherit a home rather than to receive it as a gift before the owner’s death. This article will explore the… View Article

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Navigating the R&D Tax Credit Maze: What SMBs Need to Know Amid Legislative Uncertainty

The landscape of tax legislation in the United States has been marked by constant evolution, with changes often reflecting the broader economic and political priorities of the time. One area that has seen significant shifts, and consequent uncertainty, involves the treatment of research and development (R&D) expenses. Historically, businesses could immediately deduct R&D expenses in… View Article

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How Health Savings Accounts Can Supercharge Your Tax Savings

In the labyrinth of financial planning and tax-saving strategies, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) emerge as a multifaceted tool that remains underutilized and often misunderstood. An HSA is not just a way to save for medical expenses; it’s also a powerful vehicle for retirement savings, offering unique tax advantages. This article delves into who qualifies for… View Article

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Say Sayonara to Manual Transaction Entry in QuickBooks Online

Ditching manual transaction entry should be your number one priority now that QuickBooks Online streamlines the process of importing transactions from your bank. When you manually input transactions, you open the door to data transposition errors, potentially leading to inaccuracies in customer billing, reports, and taxes. Plus, it’s a time-consuming task that eats into hours… View Article

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Weather the Storm: How Small Businesses Can Thrive in a Tough Economy Flow

The current American economy is characterized by inflation, rising credit card debt, and the looming threat of a recession. As a result, small to medium-sized business owners face many challenges. A recent report indicating a GDP growth of 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024 – well below the expected 2.5% – alongside predictions of… View Article

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May 2024 Individual Due Dates

May 10 – Report Tips to Employee   If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during April, you are required to report them to your employer on IRS Form 4070 no later than May 10. Your employer is required to withhold FICA taxes and income tax… View Article

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Reminder: Claims for Recovery Rebate Credit About to Expire

In response to the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government enacted several measures to provide financial relief to Americans. Among these measures were the Economic Impact Payments (EIPs), also known as stimulus checks. These payments were part of broader legislation aimed at mitigating the financial strain on individuals and families across the… View Article

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Proving Noncash Charitable Contributions

Tax legislation passed in late 2017 nearly doubled the standard deduction for years 2018 through 2025, and now about 90% of individuals filing a tax return are taking advantage of the higher standard amount and are not itemizing their deductions. For the 10% of filers still itemizing, one of the most common tax-deductible charitable contributions… View Article

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