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Ross Buehler Falk & Company is committed to providing innovative and cost effective solutions to meet each client's unique personal and business goals. We build long-lasting client relationships through personal attention, integrity, and a dedicated pro-active team of professionals.



Sold Your Home Last Year or Plan to in 2023? If So, Here’s What You Need to Know

The U.S. housing market has been extremely volatile over the past year. Year-over-year growth rates were at highs of 20.1 percent in April 2022, then declined to only 8.6 percent in November – the biggest drop in over 20 years. As a result, many homeowners who sold their homes in 2022 or plan to in… View Article

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End of Life Planning: 5 Steps to Take in 2022

End-of-life planning is a delicate—but incredibly important—subject. While contemplating your own death and the fallout thereof probably feels morbid, making preparations for your passing is an incredible way to demonstrate your love to those near and dear to you. Taking the time to plan for some of the logistical details surrounding your death can go… View Article

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More Than a Will: Important Documents for End-of-Life Planning

Making a plan for your death, while perhaps an uncomfortable subject, is a valuable endeavor. Not only is it a great way to express care for your loved ones, but it can go a long way in easing your own anxieties regarding the end of your life. While it is common knowledge that a will… View Article

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5 Financial Resolutions You Can Live With

For the most part, New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep because many times you either list too many things or ones that aren’t manageable for the long haul – especially those that involve money. Here are a few simple tricks to help you make changes that are bite-sized, easy to implement, and more likely… View Article

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No-Heir Estate Planning

Even if you have no heirs, you should have an estate plan. Otherwise, the state will determine the fate of your worldly possessions. If you pass away “intestate” (without a will), the state can even keep all of your assets for itself – if no heirs are found. The most basic tenet of no-heir estate… View Article

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Selling Your Home?

Be sure you understand the home sale gain exclusion If you’re thinking about selling your home, it’s important to determine whether you qualify for the home sale gain exclusion. The exclusion is one of the most generous tax breaks in the tax code, so be sure to review its requirements before you sell. Exclusion requirements… View Article

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End of Life Planning: 5 Steps to Take in 2022

End-of-life planning is a delicate—but incredibly important—subject. While contemplating your own death and the fallout thereof probably feels morbid, making preparations for your passing is an incredible way to demonstrate your love to those near and dear to you. Taking the time to plan for some of the logistical details surrounding your death can go… View Article

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Is This an Opportune Time to Convert Your Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA?

If your traditional IRA is invested in stocks and/or mutual funds, the recent substantial downward slide by the stock markets may provide a unique opportunity to convert your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA at a low cost, and then benefit when the markets recover. Why would you want to do that? Because Roth IRA… View Article

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Should You Upgrade Your Homeowners Insurance?

During the first year of the pandemic, many homeowners spent their downtime upgrading their homes. 2020 alone saw a three percent uptick in spending on home improvements – to the tune of nearly $420 billion nationwide. This included modifications for remote work, online schooling, and leisure activities at home. Between remodeling, high inflation, and today’s… View Article

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Employee Spotlight – Connie Buzzard

Connie Buzzard joined the Ross Buehler Falk & Company (RBF) team in 2022 as a small business specialist. In this role, she works with the firm’s newly established Client Accounting Services line, providing bookkeeping and QuickBooks® support for small business clients. Connie has over 30 years of accounting industry experience and is a certified QuickBooks®… View Article

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