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Ross Buehler Falk & Company is committed to providing innovative and cost effective solutions to meet each client's unique personal and business goals. We build long-lasting client relationships through personal attention, integrity, and a dedicated pro-active team of professionals.



How to Clean Up QuickBooks for 2020

Yes, it’s here again: the end of the year. You probably have a lengthy to-do list full of tasks that must be done before December 31. There’s one task—or rather, a series of tasks—that you should definitely add to that list: year-end QuickBooks cleanup. Following the guidelines provided here will do three things. It will:… View Article

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Year-End Tips for Charitable Contributions

As the end of the year and the holiday season approach, we will all see an uptick in the number of charitable solicitations arriving in our mailboxes and by email. Since some charities sell their contributor lists to other charities, frequent contributors may find themselves besieged by requests from all sorts of charities with which… View Article

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Tax Changes For 2019

As the end of the year approaches, now is a good time to review the various changes that impact 2019 tax returns. Some of the changes are likely to apply to your tax situation. In addition, be aware that various tax-related bills currently in Congress may or may not pass this year. If any of… View Article

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Gross Domestic Product: A Primer

The economic indicator known as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) represents the dollar value of all purchased goods and services over the course of one year. It is comprised of purchases from all private and public consumption, including for-profit, nonprofit and government sectors. There are four components that are added to calculate the GDP: Consumer spending… View Article

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Managing Partner at Local Accounting Firm Achieves New Certification

Ross Buehler Falk & Company, LLP is pleased to announce that Jeff Bleacher, CPA, CGMA has successfully completed the Level 5 Certified Advisor program from Mentor Plus. Bleacher has been with Ross Buehler Falk & Company since 1985 and has served as the firm’s Managing Partner since 2009. He specializes in performing accounting, audit and… View Article

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Employee Spotlight – Jessica Peiffer

Jessica Peiffer joined Ross Buehler Falk (RBF) in 2019, establishing herself in the accounting industry. In her capacity as an accountant, she works primarily in the firm’s Audit Department. Jessica sits on the RBF Fun Committee, where she helps generate ideas for fun and exciting things the office can do as a team. Since she… View Article

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Payroll Management Tips

When it comes to an employer’s responsibility for non-exempt workers, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, there are many requirements businesses must follow related to payroll. In one example, there are strict regulations on what information employers must document for each non-exempt worker. While there’s no requirement on how the information is recorded, there… View Article

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How Will Tariff Developments Impact the Stock Market Going Forward?

According to an Aug. 13 press release from the office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), there will be a 10 percent tariff levied against $300 billion of Chinese imports effective Sept. 1. The same press release announced a modification, after hearing from the public and business owners, exempting some of the $300 billion… View Article

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Ross Buehler Falk & Company Announces Important Anniversary

Ross Buehler Falk & Company, LLP is pleased to recognize the 30th anniversary of Cynthia Barr, CPA with the firm. Barr joined Ross Buehler Falk in 1989 right after earning her undergraduate degree. Serving as a supervisor, she is responsible for performing both accounting and tax work, including audits, reviews, compilations, and both corporate and… View Article

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