Selecting a CPA Firm 2016

Relationships go deep between a CPA firm and a client: at least we feel they do ……
Read MoreGoldilocks, Inc. and the Three CPA Firms

Goldilocks, Inc. was in desperate need of a CPA firm that met their accounting and auditing needs…..
Read MoreThe Gallup Q12 Index

Gallup’s employee engagement work is based on more than 30 years of in-depth behavioral research involving more than 17 million employees. Gallup has identified 12 core elements.
Read MoreEmployee Engagement: Why it’s not getting better and what to do about it!

Mark Crowley’s landmark article on Employee Engagement spotlights the disappointing metrics but accompanies the low scores with some very solid recommendations for improvement.
Read MoreGoleman’s Four Quadrants

EQ can be learned at any age. Learn more about increasing your EQ from Maetrix…..
Read MoreEmotional Intelligence and Leadership

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a relatively recent business concept that is having a major impact on leadership…
Read MoreGenerational Differences

Truth be told, most Millenials get a bum wrap. View this picturegram to see just how the different generations compare.
Read MoreCorporate Giving

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, was lauded and criticized recently when he announced his intention to donate most of his Facebook stock to charity.
Read MoreManaging Generations in the Workplace

“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter a room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; tyrannize their teachers.” Sound familiar?
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