How the Best Leaders Lead

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, all personality types and with a wide variety of backgrounds. Some are born into leadership positions; others find a path that sometimes feels more like…..
Read MoreTest Your iNfluence Quotient

How would you rate yourself on the Influence and Persuasion scale? Many leaders rely on their “natural abilities” to get their people to do the work for their success and the productivity of the company. Dr. Cialdini and other social researcher like Dr. Kelton Rhoads of Working Psychology have …..
Read MoreThe Art and Science of Influence and Persuasion: Sales or Manipulation?

Influence. Persuasion. Manipulation. Coercion. All four are ways leaders get people to do things for them. And, all four ways work. But, not in the same way.
Read MoreTrump’s Gettysburg Address

Back in October, Donald Trump gave his own Gettysburg Address. He stated what he would do in his first 100 days, in the event that he became President. His plan had three main themes……..
Read MoreManaging Generations in the Workplace

“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter a room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; tyrannize their teachers.” Sound familiar?
Read MoreGoleman’s Four Quadrants

EQ can be learned at any age. Learn more about increasing your EQ from Maetrix…..
Read MoreEmotional Intelligence and Leadership

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a relatively recent business concept that is having a major impact on leadership…
Read MoreWork/Life Blend?

Greg McKeon, author of “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less,” makes a case for eliminating everything that is not essential in order to make the highest possible contribution toward the things that really matter.
Read MoreThe Greatest Memo about Work/Life Balance Ever?

Last year a top tech company CEO decided he needed more balance in his life and he wrote a blog post about how he was going to accomplish that.
Read MoreWork/Life Balance for Leaders

Striking a healthy work-life balance is a difficult challenge for everyone, but especially for those in leadership positions. Many leaders today are so busy making a living that they have no time for making a life.
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