Outside Eyes for Inside Help

Most organizations understand the need for executives to get help to deal with the complexities of an ever changing market. Seismic changes in the economy, government and global competition have created the need for all executives to have “outside eyes” to help guide them through unknown terrain.
Read MoreWhere CEOs Go for Help

As human beings we crave community. We love the camaraderie of groups, being on the winning team and being part of something bigger than ourselves. But, for the CEO, it’s lonely at the top.
Read MoreAre You a Manager or a Leader?

The difference between a leader and a manager: “With the rise of the knowledge worker, one does not ‘manage’ people. The task is to lead people. And the goal is to make productive the specific strengths and knowledge of every individual.” – Peter Drucker
Read MoreEntering the Participation Age

The best resource for building a great company is your employees. That’s the belief of the Participation Age. The Participation Age embraces knowledge workers and acknowledges that all workers have knowledge.
Read MoreTurning Managers into Leaders

There’s lots of talk in the halls of management consultants these days about the lack of leadership and the unnecessary rise of managers in our country and in corporate America. What is the difference between managers and leaders and why is this a concern for the pundits?
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