Podcast #6: What I’ve Seen In Successful Businesses Interview With Ken Falk, CPA, Partner

We’re here with Ken Falk, CPA and Partner at Ross Buehler Falk. Ken you’ve been with the firm since the beginning, so would you tell us about the makeup of RBF and your experience during those years. Just tell us a little about yourself and RBF……..
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Ken, I’m delighted that you’re on the podcast with us. I want to introduce to you Ken Falk of Ross Buehler Falk. Ken is a Partner and a CPA with the firm. Just to give you a sense of who Ken is by the numbers, and then talk about his experience and background……..
Read MorePodcast #4: The Millennial Perspective Interview with Sean Smith, CPA

Today we have Sean Smith on the line with us with RBF. He’s going to talk to us about the Millennial perspective in the workforce. But before we get started with that, Sean, tell us a little bit about your background……
Read MorePodcast #3: Starting an Accounting Career Interview with Sean Smith, CPA

I’m with Sean Smith today and he’s with Ross Buehler Falk, otherwise known as RBF, a CPA firm and also a business advisory firm. Glad to have you on the line today, Sean. So give us a little background. Tell us about your education. What we’re really looking at today to hear from you……
Read MorePodcast #2: The RBF Culture Interview with Jeff Bleacher, RBF Managing Partner

Today we have Jeff Bleacher who is the Managing Partner at Ross Buehler Falk with us, and he is going to talk to us about the RBF culture: Ross Buehler Falk, a CPA and business advisory firm. And my understanding, Jeff, is that you guys are not your average, boring accounting firm…….
Read MorePodcast 1: Interview with Jeff Bleacher, Managing Partner – The RBF Story

Today we have Jeff Bleacher with us from Ross Buehler Falk. Jeff is a CPA, a CGMA and the Managing Partner at Ross Buehler Falk…….
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